10 Inspirational B2B UX Design Examples in 2023


In the product design world, the importance of B2B UX designs will remain at the top because of their demand. This article will focus on the examples of B2B UX Designs to enlighten your efforts. Every business needs to collaborate with other businesses to grow. For a business to truly make its name in the market, it has to focus on all the best possible UX solutions. So, it can help you get successful in your business ventures. 

When it comes to B2B UX designs, we see a lot of examples before us, and we will discuss each of them. Remember to read through closely, because every example is unique and could prove fruitful to your business. 

Number one on the list we have:

1. Slack

Slack UX Design
Slack UX Design

It is the most needed tool for businesses to communicate internally and externally as it provides various features. Slack allows creating groups just like WhatsApp where members can easily communicate and share ideas regarding any topic. This makes communication between different channels easy and details of the tasks can be discussed at length. 

Slack offers the luxury of showing online and offline statuses so the team would know which members can’t be reached. It has a perfect B2B user experience where you can enjoy the benefits of connecting with your team 24/7. Very few tools have the ability to offer such interactivity. 

Here are the following best Slack Features In terms of UX Design;

  • User-focused Design & Experience
  • Live Communication
  • Easily Create and Customize Channels
  • Mobile-Friendly
  • Cross-Platform Support

2. Asana

Asana UX Design
Asana UX Design

It’s a brilliant tool to engage employees and as well as customers on a daily basis. The tasks to do can be easily appended to the individuals against their names. It also lets to set the expiry date to the task assigned, so keeping track becomes an easy thing. 

Asana provides one of the best UX inspirations for the targets to be achieved within the set timeline. Most B2B apps have a difficult UI that is often misunderstood by the users, but with Asana, things get done. Due to a couple of useful features, it really has become the user’s favorite. 

Some of the best Asana UX Design Features are provided in the following list;

  • User-focused Interface
  • Cross-Platform Integration
  • Project Personalization
  • Real-Time Reports
  • Mobile-Friendliness

3. Zendesk


Amazing software that provides smooth customer service to businesses. It’s a beautiful B2B UX design example as it has the ability to provide a ticketing system for the users. This system allows them to ask the related queries which you can then respond to. 

There are various types of products that Zendesk owns including Zendesk Chat, Zendesk Talk, and Zendesk Guide. Together they make examples of the best B2B apps available in the market. 

Here are the following best Zendesk Features based on UX Design;

  • Multi-Platform Support
  • Ticket Customization
  • Analytics
  • Real-Time Reports
  • Integration with other softwares

4. Google Calendar

Comes with a lot of syncing options, as you can link your important meetings with Google Meet. You keep getting instant reminders when you set your meeting to be held. There is an increased B2B user experience on the basis of easiness and quickness. 

It actually provides inter-platform connectivity, outside of Google as well. For example, you can also set your meeting on the Zoom app by creating a meeting on Google Calendar. Functions get easier to perform.

Some of the best Asana UX Design Features are provided in the following list;

  • User-Oriented Interface
  • Personalize Views
  • Easy Collaboration
  • Integration with other tools
  • Easy to Schedule Meeting Process

5. Loom

Loom UX Design
Loom UX Design

It is a much-needed B2B app in today’s world where remote working has become a norm. It lets team members work asynchronously irrespective of their locations and time zones. 

Users can also record a video report which can be viewed by the concerned persons later on. This gives them freedom of time and also remaining productive at the same instant. The very feature reduces the number of meetings throughout the day which ultimately lets them be more productive. 

It’s UI and UX also helps in keeping track of activities which makes things transparent for the business owners. 

  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Fast recording and sharing
  • Save time
  • Integration with other tools
  • Customizability

6. Grammarly

Grammarly UX Design
Grammarly UX Design

It’s a wondrous tool for professionals, especially those who are associated with writing stuff such as emails. It can instantly correct their grammatical mistakes and spelling errors, and also make contextual changes. As writing is the backbone of all the businesses that exist, it has to be very professional and the message should be made clear. 

Grammarly is a good choice for a B2B UX design example because it fills up the communication path between businesses. It’s undoubtedly a wonderful marketing tool that allows features to resolve complex and hidden writing errors. 

  • Easy integration
  • Error reporting and feedback
  • Mobile-Friendly
  • User-focused features
  • Live suggestions

7. Trello

Trello UX Design Example
Trello UX Design Example

Trello uses a creative approach in elevating their UI and UX design. With customizable and draggable cards, visual interface and real time project status, it makes easier for companies to manage complex task with ease.

It also known for best mobile accessibility features, you can easily use trello with mobile, laptop, desktop and tablets devices.

Bottom line, Trello UX Design is highly important in delivering the top-notch project and task management features that help teams to scale rapidly in the less time.

8. GitHub’s Repository

GitHub's Repository
GitHub’s Repository

GitHub is a web hosting service that uses Git version control. Basically, it is used by developers or a company to maintain the codes and projects that they create. It is up to them if they make it public or private, and also gives others the authority to add something or just keep it for viewing purposes. It’s a good example of B2B UX design as it provides enhanced usability and also accessibility. 

This repository can be deleted without leaving any traces behind if the creator feels like the code is too sensitive. It is there to benefit the business both ways, and the interface is also not too difficult to understand. 

9. HubSpot CRM

Hubspot CRM UX Design
HubSpot CRM UX Design

The dashboard of Hubspot email marketing offers an excellent example of a B2B UX design as it highlights all key details. All important metrics such as open rate and top-engaged subscribers can be easily seen. 

The graphs and charts together make up the most part of B2B UX design that creates an easy UI. This dashboard offers easiness and rocket science isn’t needed to understand the overall interface. 

10. Google Analytics

Google Analytics UX Design
Google Analytics UX Design

Google Analytics is the most popular web analytics, reporting and tracking tool that helps every kind of online business to measure traffic, conversions and sales.

To create a User experience for that type of humongous analytics tool, developers worked really smart and used creative thinking to craft a user experience that yields countless benefits for every online business (Most importantly Sales Tracking)

Google Analytics UX Design employs a mobile-friendly, and aesthetic dashboard interface and customizable user experience that enables businesses to easily access the data they need to make business decisions.

Some Insightful Facts

The world of B2B UX designs is full of exciting examples, ones discussed here are just a handful of them. There are uncountable B2B apps that are meeting complex business demands on a regular basis.

The best B2B apps are those that are fully capable of carrying out the required tasks successfully and without difficulty. The definition of B2B user experience solely depends on how fruitful a certain business finds the application. If the desired output is achieved then certainly that application should be included in the business model. Taking care of B2B UX designs trends could be your secret formula to success.

Are you Looking to Hire Expert UX Designers?

Hundreds of companies post jobs regarding Expert UX Designers daily for their offices with handsome salaries, perks and other benefits. But only few companies experience and receive a top-quality work from UX Designers. Why is that? Because, In-house designers usually have limited resources, team members and pressure to fulfill their 9 to 5 jobs.

But If you are looking for Remote UX Designers that can cover everything from design planning, wireframing, to designing the application, then you can hire our UX designers for half the cost of in-house designer and can start work right away.


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